its ok

it is ok to not know

to sit in the stillness, allowing for the growth

its ok to let time go

to let yourself feel whatever is your mode

it feels better when we let the stream flow

to allow for what is, to continuously change its forms

its ok to feel afraid of what comes next

its ok to want to know all the answers of your quest

its ok to move, its ok to rest

its ok to feel happier

its ok to feel blessed

its ok to believe that, all is possible, despite how life likes to test

its ok to make it up as you go

its ok to release what you do not enjoy any more

its ok to feel all that you do

its ok to be angry to be sad and gloom

its ok to honor all movements made within you

its ok to remove

its ok to undo

its ok to repeat

its ok, if its ok with you

its ok to take your time and do what is right

its ok to decide differently, however many times

its ok its ok its ok

to live your life, your way, how you need to-

its more than ok to take good care of you

We let go, we move on

Sweet surrender
Causes tenderness
As the release of attachments
Fall gently away
Smiles in the heart
Laughter in the Soul
Letting go can free your flow
Imagine the future
As good as it can be
Imagine the past
It brought you to this moment
In the present
Your essence is golden
Let go of the struggle
Let go of the strife
Let go of the unhappiness
That crawled into your life
Bring forth the anticipation
That comes from your
Mental elevations
Let go of the judgements
They hold you in suffering
Let go of the battles
It is yourself you are fighting
Welcome the harmony
That can exist between the
Wanted and undesired
Help yourself let go
Heal the anxious fearful ego
Access your internal flame
That leads you to your
Favorite life games
That inspires the embracing
That ignites the transformations
Let go and move on
Let go and allow the new to come
Let go and be your supporter
Let go and claim your serenity
Let go and let it be
Eventually arrives the awakening
To that which you hoped into being
Let go and feel that weightlessness
Let go and anchor that graciousness
Let go and feel the joy in your aura
Let go and move unto that which is for you
Let go and trust your walk
Let go and lovingly move on

Blockages can teach

Moving through blockages
Can be an unpleasant experience…
Know that and you can begin
The reconstruction of how it
Affects your well being-ness
Often, what rises to the surface
Is more than meets the eye
Its the past bondage that
can no longer hide
As it is released, every-thing that
Is part of it will be experienced
Be it sadness
Be it anger
Be it regret
Be it guilt
Be it shame
Be it neglect
Be it your wounded heart
that has yet to rest
What ever is contained
Will need to be set FREE
The pain is one way
That the energy is returned to its source
It no longer needs to BE
CHANGE changes the feelings
Transmutes the tone of the memories
To allow for peace to BE
Forgiveness to exist
Surrendering the weight of
Past mistakes and self imposed suffering
The loss of tranquility
Moving past the pain
Is worthy of every tear you made
Of every moment you reflect
Of every smile you kept away
Because the lingering
Was too heavy in your head
The movement will take place
When you no longer hold it a space
When it no longer serves to teach
For the pain broke and the
healing can begin
The blooming can proceed
You helped create a trust in your-SELF
That is built like the strongest tree
The baggage no longer requires
Your time & attention
You took the initiative to learn your valuable life lessons
You felt the progressions
As each day the pain
lessened and lessened
Till there was only emptiness
And NOW that can be filled
With more mindful-ness
More loving-ness
More of what you want to feel
And less of the Self sabotage that
Keeps the cycle spinning like a wheel

Emotions as guides

If you find yourself awakening to an array of emotions, try NOT to “make sense” of them all, as the stirring is still going on.
If we can allow the emotions to surface, and we (non personally) observe them, we can learn more than if we were to commence intensive queries about what we are dealing with.
If you awaken to emotions that do not fill you with contentment, do not judge harshly for it too is a gift from your own consciousness.
Uncomfortable-ness allows for us to deeper reflect upon the roots of the bothersome mood we are dissecting.
Fear allows for one to become aware of what is “really there” and to move forward as need be, bringing forth a sense of (control) in the transformations that can begin.
Sadness brings upon remembrance which do not have to hold such heaviness, as it is attachment that is blinding our gratefulness. The vision of seeing it from an alternate perspective are not recognized as electives.
Anger reveals the areas in which one is possibly not listening, not paying attention to something that one needs of itself.
Anger allows us to get to the core of the spaces that one has probably neglected, suppressed, has negative judgements, the spaces that require the most nourishment the most encouragement the most unconditional-ness in order to bring peace into that which once triggered a wave of uncontrollable rage, stemming from the very things that we need to CHANGE.
Emotions on their own, can serve as a navigation system, one that expresses what it is being fed with.
They come and they go, they can feel the same or extremely different as before.
They can be scary or be elevating as they continue to show you, what you are (doing) within your being.
They teach you of what you hold dear, of what goes against your believing, of what adds fire to your passions or puts off the flames of all that inspires you.
Emotions can serve as guides, as inner wisdom, as awareness, as presents because they are for us to gain from at our discretion, as we either learn from their projections that can be influenced by the decisions to anchor any choosen vibration.
An array of emotions
Let them flow freely for we don’t “own” them.
Let them help you be mindful of what you are causing to grow within your being.
They don’t mean any harm, even if they feel like the worst pain you have ever experienced.
They are your teachers, your mirrors, your unpredictable journey, your progress, your potentials, your creations.
Seek to inner~under~over stand
So that you may have the opportunity to work with what is in your hands, verses falling prey to help-less-ness, which extends itself to hope-less-ness and that continues to multiply if you do not realize that emotions are simply a way to ride…
Not that they are the meaning of your LIFE.

Letting go with Faith

Letting go takes Faith…
And it encourages a belief that tells us that what lies ahead is a change for the better
When we can look inward
And determine what we are seeking
We can consciously release
The things that are no longer feeling Good and enjoyable
When we let go of –
Past thoughts
Past routines
Past beliefs
We activate our abilities to create
What we want to experience in our lives
When we let go, and have faith about the directions that we are pursuing
We inspire and motivate the
Manifestations that move us to
How we want to engage with reality
Often, we tend to hold on
Because of familiarity, because of attachments to what we are used to
But, once we have out grown certain forms of BE-ing…
We commence a path of NEW beginnings
Which if followed without resistance can make letting go a lot easier
We do not have to feel tied to
any way things were or are at any moment
We can influence the flow by
Using our inner knowing
That tells us of what we require
In order to be in our happiness
Letting go can be hard, can be painful, can be scary, can be dreadful
But, ultimately we are aware
Even if subconsciously of what is
No longer serving our being
And the best we can do for ourselves is release the things/people/places/emotions/memories
That make us feed our suffering
When we let go, we create space
When we let go, we can build on faith
When we let go, we are present
And are able to bring forth
The new-ness we are expecting
Although, it can be heart breaking
Some joys are found through the
Emptying of what was
creating sadness with in us
Allowing us to reach for the
Betterment we are forever searching for

Journey mind.body.spirit

Our imagination forms the physical manifestations
of that which we hold within
Journey of the mind into the grand abyss
the immense availabilities to seek OUT the endless possibilities
Journey of the body into BE-coming
that which we need to experience
in order to excel through our differences
and make a conscious attempt to change
the ways we view ourselves and those around us
The body, our vehicle, our home
connected to our mother Earth
connected to Source… GOD .. the all
The body our magnet
our senses made into matter
our emotions help to guide us
help us determine what path is for us
The spirit so gentle so giving
so beautiful in its being-ness
so graceful its influence
as we can learn to apply its wisdom
to dive deep into all that we are
The No-thing-ness… the Every-thing-ness
Spirit can make one aware of all of it
in one moment, one breath
we can be whisked away into the
realms of perfect alignment
every part of you feels content
every part of you feels it’s best
Journey of mind.body.spirit
no one can tell you how to feel this
how to experience the awakening of inner-standing
what we are here to BE
tuning into the buoyancy of that which we are to live
the cheerfulness
the happiness
the together-ness
In our journeys we experiment all the ways
we can express this ultimate sense of Self
the coming home to Self
the rediscovering of Self
the building up of Self
Journey of mind.body.spirit
balancing ourselves through all our circumstances
we are capable of loving
we are capable of allowing the unification
of all that we are designed to BE
Release the tensions, the stored up frustrations
be your own blessing
this being “human” is a journey
with no permanent destination
as we continuously expand through our co-creations
Declaring our awareness of our Spirit’s story
as we are deliberately creating the beauty
that we seek to feel in our days
Journey of mind.body.spirit
is that of unchangeable ONE-ness
Captivate the marvelous
for all of it is YOU
The mind can help you create
The body can help you experience
The Spirit can help you be aware of all this
Remarkable your astonishing abilities
to thrive… essential gifts of your being-ness
find your tranquility
in all that you are seeking compatibility with
We are the one
We are the all
Journey of mind.body.spirit
the joys of meeting our life with loving-ness
and filled with intentions of peaceful-ness
We can agree to reside only
in the spaces that resonate with that of our
journey of mind.body.spirit
we make it real the more we consistently believe it, we live it
Divine luxuries of our
Journey of mind.body.spirit

Your path moves forward

Have you ever wondered what are the causes to the perceptions of “where” you are
Are you aware of what helps to keep you moving or what holds you “where” you are
Understanding is a key that allows us to comprehend the state we are in
We can use our ability to recognize the obstacles we have placed before our eyes
We can use our power of compassion to bring a calm to the opposite
reflections of what we are wanting for ourself
When we are attached to what we think we are supposed to feel, to be
we unknowingly create a box in which we feel ourselves stuck in
attachment leads to suffering because we expect our circumstances
to present themselves as we are telling ourselves they need to be
attaching to a reality that has yet to exist or attaching to a past that is over with
Our path moves forward
whether we gain an understanding of it or are attached to what has been
We continue moving towards all that can be…all that is waiting for us to reach
We move forward choosing which ways to roam seeking the experiences that reap the most growth
We move forward whether fast or slow regardless if we willingly want to go
regardless if we think we are ready for a new page a new chapter a new show
We move forward into the unknown fuel it with excitement so that you can enjoy
the hurdles, the hills, the mountains
you can feel the empowerment of the coming success of your accomplishments
you can move forward trusting and creating more of what you are desiring
Every moment is magic
Every experience holds wisdom to unlock the prison of the mental position
and allow yourself to move with permission with tactical precision
you can make any decision you can turn any loss into a blessing
when you move forward you allow the new in
you make space for the brighter tomorrows
you can help yourself clear out the burden the sorrows
you can restore your faith at any given time or space
you can bring hope into your days
No need to fear
Your path is forward even when you repeat cycles
clarity will come after we have over stood our own created patterns
that are based on out dated standards
you may have lived through dysfunction, disasters
but still you move forward moment after moment after
continuously expanding into the depths of your being
continuously experiencing the beginnings the endings
the infinite-ness of all creation
Your path moves forward
you can feel the pull you can feel the momentum building
through much inner standing accepting that all is always
exactly the ways they are meant to be
find your harmony within so that you can feel at ease
so that you can release the need to hang unto any feeling
when we get confused about which ways to move
know that our path moves forward please don’t look behind you
those “times” are lived those “times” do not exist
please don’t look too far ahead
please find your peace in this NOW that is here to be embraced
your path moves forward believe that you are guided and supported
believe that you can make it and always trust that you moving forward
even when it may feel like your life does not show it
The speeds, we can not control them
the process, we must not judge it
learn to maintain the balance through all that changes
Trade your worries in for the belief that you moving forward
no matter how many times you have fallen
you can achieve learning through all of your stages
the highs the lows all preserve knowledge
our experiences are to show us that our path moves forward
walk your talk
follow your heart
into the spaces you have yet to feel
the spaces that you wished to heal
forward you will transform
from all your ever come to know
and continue mastering this life you grow

There is no place, love is not

Love is not a [person, place, or thing]
it is difficult to fully describe it in all its glory
Love is the essence of your whole entire story
We may have been accustomed to seeking it with-out
therefore believing illusions that confuse us
and make us feel as if love is not real
There is no place, love is not
for it is what we are made of
Unlearn the ways of yesterdays
that taught you to condition the love your give
that taught you to not trust in the love you receive
There is no place, love is not
and this is something many have forgotten
causing us to ache through this suffering
as we seek to feel ourselves complete
as we hope to connect to a deeper life meaning
Love is everywhere
Love is everything
Love is everyone
Love is never gone
Despite the chatters of our minds
Love transcends the boundaries set by
the ego’s unwillingness to perceive
the perfection that it truly is
Love inspires our gifts
Love brings forth the harmony
we can all benefit from sharing it
Love encourages us to treat each other right
Love does not have a sense of sight
But it does provide much insight
if one is open to all it’s light
one can feel one’s own divine
and love as the family that we are
We have never had to look too far
to find that which we were created to be
There is no place, love is not
no matter how hard you think you struggle
with the realizations of this truth
no matter how much you thought you knew
Love is forever all around you
Love is in side of you
Love is the miracles the blessings
that we are able to accept
because we can let love in
we can allow for this energy
to rid us of our judgements end the criticizing
we are no longer fighting
we are uniting
and we are appreciating what we once thought we “hated”
because we are elevated
by this wondrous captivating
sense of bliss… love awakens all of this
love helps one to acknowledge the necessary
so that we may clear what’s no longer vibrating
to that which we want ourselves to feel to live to be
There is no place, love is not
when we forget please forgive and let go
realign to your natural flow
and tap into the powerful source
the universe knows
which ways for you to grow
and through it all…
there is love
there is faith
there is compassion for all that you have overcome
there is trust
there is wisdom
there is no longer a sense of something “missing”
fill your being-ness with the heavenly
with the ascending to your highest potentials
There is no place, love is not
reprogram if you still view the lies
reprogram if you still deny
reprogram if you are fueling the lowers vibes
There is no place, love is not
Love is YOU
take a good look
breathe it all in
the love we search for
is in our feelings in our doings
it is in our being-ness
there is no place, love is not
shake off the thoughts of lack
shake off the out dated
shake off the fear that made you lose your belief
in something that is the realist thing
to feel to live to be
love is our door into infinity

Savor your goodness

All moments hold the potential of
tuning into Spirit feeling it’s uplift-ment
or one can feel drained of one’s energy
changes can come instantly when we
Revert to the knowing of our goodness
Remember that anything less is just an illusion
Savor your goodness
do not allow another’s opinion or
lack of believing to discredit the
joy that you are feeling, that you are being
Savor your goodness
allow it to wrap you in truth
as you can clarify what is not you
as you can clearly hear what is important to you
Keep your space cleansed of all yesterdays
and rotten apples that may have crossed your way
Do not allow that to spoil your bunch
Do not allow that to make you forget your magical touch
Do not allow that to move you from where you are
Savor your goodness
You are a shining star
Let your intentions transmute the fears that hold you down
Let it transform your present your NOW
Gratitude is a tremendous tool for shifting your mood
Spirit is for giving and also forgiving
and loving every single part of you
The goodness you feel is a natural essence in you
that you can never run out of despite what you do
no matter what you may be thinking
The more you feel it the more it flows all around you
Keep your heart open
Keep your mind fluid
Keep your world in the vibration of your choosing
Savor your goodness
You are not what happened… or what happens
it is not YOU
seek the lessons those experiences came to teach you
keep your sacred spaces from absorbing
the passing of what may show up as [negative]
Keep your hopes highs for this life that you live
If ever there is a sadness, a madness
know that it is just waves of change
materializations of choices once made
ride them well and watch yourself be brave
as you overcome all that has come your way
always savor your goodness
for you are a precious gem
and you are worthy of this and so much more
Keep your sights focused on the possibilities, the open doors
and settle into what you want to believe
Savor your goodness
the gift of wellness and abundance
this is YOU all of the time
don’t be derailed of your path
keep yourself in your love that forever will last
Know that you are an incredible craft
and your goodness is the life you are set to have
Free yourself from the thoughts and beliefs
that keep you from acknowledging and living this

Awakening our zest for life

What brings you to your joy
What can you lose yourself into
completely and utterly submerged in your bliss
What causes you to smile unexpectedly
What warms your heart
cradles your Spirit ever so gently
What brightens your day
What inspires your heart space
What do you imagine when you
think of your happiness
What brings forth your laughter
What heightens your mood to levels
of unexplainable measures
What guides you to your empowerment
What forms of expressions
have you given yourself permission
to unapologetically let out your being
What dreams are you dreaming
What are you wishing
What are you paying attention to
What are you giving yourself permission
to explore, experiment, experience
What are you feeding
What are you needing
What fills your being-ness
with the energy of your divinity
Connected to all that is living
to all that has been
What are you reminiscing
What are you appreciating
What are you embracing
What are you playing with
What are you reflecting
Are you making sure to be accepting
of all that is put before you
to learn and grow from
What are you BEcoming
What are you dissolving so that
you can reach that space that
you are craving to be in
you visit memories of this
heavenly plane that exist
in the moments of your bliss
What are you wanting
Which directions does your heart lead you on
What have you allowed in your fun
What sends you to the clouds
not a worry or doubt
not a judgement or fear
can come in between you and how you want to feel
An awakening of reverence
for all that has ever been
for all that has yet to be
for all that you ache to experience
for all that you are waiting on…
An awakening of our aliveness
of our united-ness
of our beauty and elegance
our infinite-ness
our eternal home available to us where ever we go
for it is US that carry it in our Souls
the magic of loving the life we are molding
knowing that… we can awaken our zest for life
anytime that we want
anytime that we need to believe
in something more than what we may presently see