We let go, we move on

Sweet surrender
Causes tenderness
As the release of attachments
Fall gently away
Smiles in the heart
Laughter in the Soul
Letting go can free your flow
Imagine the future
As good as it can be
Imagine the past
It brought you to this moment
In the present
Your essence is golden
Let go of the struggle
Let go of the strife
Let go of the unhappiness
That crawled into your life
Bring forth the anticipation
That comes from your
Mental elevations
Let go of the judgements
They hold you in suffering
Let go of the battles
It is yourself you are fighting
Welcome the harmony
That can exist between the
Wanted and undesired
Help yourself let go
Heal the anxious fearful ego
Access your internal flame
That leads you to your
Favorite life games
That inspires the embracing
That ignites the transformations
Let go and move on
Let go and allow the new to come
Let go and be your supporter
Let go and claim your serenity
Let go and let it be
Eventually arrives the awakening
To that which you hoped into being
Let go and feel that weightlessness
Let go and anchor that graciousness
Let go and feel the joy in your aura
Let go and move unto that which is for you
Let go and trust your walk
Let go and lovingly move on

And then, we look back in GRATITUDE

Its amazing what we are able to achieve
Its incredible how we are able to change and grow, learn and move forward

Whenever we are [in] the experience

We may not be able to see beyond it
We may become “stuck” in the moment
And until we LET IT GO, we often are not aware of the gifts it came to expose

When we are dealing with life in an optimistic manner, we help ourselves to reach the lesson a bit faster then when we succumb to the negatives

When we are aware of how we are engaging with our manifestations, we gain a higher perspective which in turn helps to manage our responses to the [happenings]
That are occurring

If we can be kind to ourselves during the stress, through the disillusioned states, through the chaos… we are rewarded greatly by the transistion out of lower frequencies

It is difficult to feel good if one is consumed by the falsehood that the veil may present
It is difficult to feel good, if one is thinking badly of their days

So much can be released in whatever “timing” of your choosing
When you decide to detach from the self imposed torture that is brought unto your-Self due to the inability to have control of what you want to be feeling

You can transform any moment instantly, if thats how you would like
And observe how you can look “back” and feel a sense of gratitude for what you been through

Why waste precious time being any thing less than happy and at peace
Less than appreciative
Less than forgiveness for every moment you gave into that which does not nurture you, that which does not make you feel good

We can look back and smile because we can see where we were and what we hoped for, what we wanted to experience

Life feels rough when we forget it is actually FOR us, that it SUPPORTS us, that it is only mimicking that which we are giving to IT

When we look back and give thanks, when we can look back and over-stand, when we look back and feel love for how we managed to overcome our obstacles, our hurdles, our mountains, our shadow, our circumstances, our life brightens up and the sun does shine again

But, we must become our own best friends
With our light and darkness, with the Universe and all that manifests
Friend that cares, helps you heal, helps you feel inspired, helps you keep going when you feel the weight of the mental states that concentrate on the
“Wrong-ness & mistakes”

Keep loving even when you think you have no reason to, keep loving even when you feel misunderstood
Keep loving because it is the ONLY way to bring forth your very best

When you look back, may you feel proud, may you feel celebrated, may you KNOW that you are special and unique
May your love keep giving
Keep expanding
Keep attracting the endless options that you have to create your HAPPILY ever after

Blockages can teach

Moving through blockages
Can be an unpleasant experience…
Know that and you can begin
The reconstruction of how it
Affects your well being-ness
Often, what rises to the surface
Is more than meets the eye
Its the past bondage that
can no longer hide
As it is released, every-thing that
Is part of it will be experienced
Be it sadness
Be it anger
Be it regret
Be it guilt
Be it shame
Be it neglect
Be it your wounded heart
that has yet to rest
What ever is contained
Will need to be set FREE
The pain is one way
That the energy is returned to its source
It no longer needs to BE
CHANGE changes the feelings
Transmutes the tone of the memories
To allow for peace to BE
Forgiveness to exist
Surrendering the weight of
Past mistakes and self imposed suffering
The loss of tranquility
Moving past the pain
Is worthy of every tear you made
Of every moment you reflect
Of every smile you kept away
Because the lingering
Was too heavy in your head
The movement will take place
When you no longer hold it a space
When it no longer serves to teach
For the pain broke and the
healing can begin
The blooming can proceed
You helped create a trust in your-SELF
That is built like the strongest tree
The baggage no longer requires
Your time & attention
You took the initiative to learn your valuable life lessons
You felt the progressions
As each day the pain
lessened and lessened
Till there was only emptiness
And NOW that can be filled
With more mindful-ness
More loving-ness
More of what you want to feel
And less of the Self sabotage that
Keeps the cycle spinning like a wheel

Wake up to a GOD state of mind

Wake up to the GOD state of mind
Knowing that ALL is well in our lives
Knowing that we, ourselves are our own sunshine
Knowing that NO-thing can break this line
Wake up to your Divine
Wake up to your Heart
Acknowledge your love and allow it
to make beautiful all that you are
Wake up to the GOD in you
Wake up to the Peaceful
Wake up to the JOY that is forever in you
Smile with the World
give it the best you could
Changing realities from {bad} to GOOD
Wake up to GOD and his plans
to all live in Harmony throughout the land
Make friends out of all that you see
Knowing your connections are deeply seeded
Even though your eyes may not always see it
Wake up to your Soul
it knows all too well
the power you hold to manifest
a Heaven out of what once was a hell
Wake up to GOD
let his guidance lead you to all that is right
and one day soon you can feel his might
filling you up, with everything that brings
you much incredible delight
Encouraging the merging of dark and light
by filling your cup with endless unconditional love
that’s so strong, it sees no wrong
and empowers our song to be celebrated
for we can realize that we have finally made it
to a space of pure happiness
bringing an end to all of the world’s suffering

The path is infinite

The path is infinite
There are no limits to the
directions you can take
There are no limits to the
experiences that will help you
reveal the pain
that needs your healing
There are many possibilities
that are endless
There are opportunities
that you have not met with
There are wishes
waiting to be born
and ready to take form
You have the capability
to choose accordingly
and to start over
as many times as need be
You have the capacity
to awaken a master within
and mindfully manifest
the reality
that you are dreaming of
You are the access point
in which the Universe
serves you from
The path is not just one
and you can choose
however you want
You can determine
the speed of your walk
and the destination
applying the wisdom
that your Soul
shares with you
You can explore and
decide which aspects
to let go of
and which to ignite
so that your path
may always shed light
and inspire your
righteous mind state
so that you can
create the goodness
create the meaning for
the life YOU are living
The path is yours to pave
yours to decorate
yours to enjoy
yours to transform
yours to appreciate
Please find yourself
in the middle of it
so that you can connect
to the core of your being
and feel the excitement
of your own doing

There is NO-thing “wrong” with you

You are whole
You are incredible
There is NO-thing
That you are missing
You are special
You are un-forgetful
There is so much
power in you
something so beautiful
You are amazing
You are fantastic
There is no one else
like YOU around
You are a blessing
You are Heaven sent
There is abundance
surrounding your space
always if you open
your heart to receive it
You are Divine
You are Holy
there are celebrations
held in your glory
You are the magic
You are the fire
There is a force
driving you higher
reaching the planes
of realities that
resonate with your
You are happiness
You are LOVE
and I wish you can see
just how much you
shine when you
are free to be all
that you are
knowing there is
NO-thing “wrong”
with any part of you
and this will
lead to an attitude
filled with gratitude
which will return it’s
love back you
in the most inspirational ways
encouraging self love
to be activated
in all of your days
JOY will be expressed
and your smiles will
be the confirmations
that help you elevate
to higher states
of wellness

Release the need for control

When ever we allow ourselves
to create expectations
We also create the
space for disappointments
space for illusions
Because in “expecting” some things
to be a certain way
we unknowingly reject what IS
and it may be something that
we can NOT change
therefore we feel bad
because we did not
get what we hoped for

When you allow life to flow
without needing to control
it teaches you of how much smoother
your life can grow
We can NOT force anything to be
if it was not meant to be
and trying to do so ends unhappily
disturbing your Peace
You deserve to enjoy your moments
without needing adjustments
making you spend energy
trying to alter
what is supposed to be

The Universe got you
and this you must believe
All it requires of you
is to let GO and release
that need to have anything
exactly how you want it

Often we are confused about
our needs but the Universe
knows us entirely
and provides a reflection
of that thing that you
place your attention on
The more you resist and fight
the more circumstances will
materialize to allow for
that mirror to show YOU
just what you have been manifesting

How can you be mad
when YOU played a part in it
and how can you be upset when
you received what you actually NEEDED
and you are more concerned with
that {want} that did not come
You are instead feeding the
ideas of  {LACK}
just because you expected this
and got that
and you can’t be grateful
while you are complaining
you can not see the blessing
if you are judging your gifts
because you are expecting
other things

Please do yourself a favor
and release the need to control
the direction of your flow
and where it takes you
because this life is
bigger than “you”
and even when you don’t know why
some things did not work out
you can rest easy because
you don’t need to have it
all figured out…
You trust that what arrives
is for the best
and because of your Faith
you make it that way
Granting yourself the space
to welcome ALL that comes your way
with an appreciation for
all the lessons
no matter what package
they were sent to you in
You can be thankful
and attract MORE
mindful loving intentions
knowing that what ever IS
will be and you can be OK
with all of it


If you can think it
you can create it
If you can believe it
you can manifest it
This is true for all that we create in our
realities regardless if it is
wanted, or unwanted things…

Our energy is the influencer of what comes to be
Our thoughts form the matter that we choose to see
When the mind is guided by the heart
positivity reveals itself in our experiences
The mind is a machine
and we don’t have to be slaves to it
We can learn to work with our patterns of thinking
to better serve our well being
Our thoughts can change our perception
and give us the ability to choose a
different direction
The world is but a reflection
of all that YOU are believing
Change your thoughts and watch
the situation change instantly
yet the circumstance can still be
what it used to be
build your mental stability
by harboring the most inspiration
from the thoughts that lift your Spirit
We don’t have to fall apart
just because we are thinking it
We can bounce right up just by accessing
what already lives within
if we can’t change the views
how can we get to the other side
and create from the goodness in our hearts
Our thoughts are of dire importance
they direct us to our purpose
and if rooted in love
we ride the waves happily
if rooted in fear
we unknowingly attract the “ugly”
and the choice is granted to us freely
it is YOUR responsibility to decide which
thoughts to allow and which ones to let slip by

Heart Space

Heart space…
What is this anyways???

It’s the home of your innocence
of your pure loving tenderness
The warmth to melt the cold on the hardest day
The smile that makes your worries go away
The courage to be brave and pursue that in
which you once feared
The strength to with stand the difficulties
that often come your way
The trust in the path Soul lays out for you
The light in the tunnel allowing the
darkness to subside
The fuel that brings beauty out of your life
The happiness that you can not explain
The laughter even on the saddest day
The more open, the greater the high
encircled in an ecstasy that we just can’t deny
The hope that is found when troubles blind us
The faith that so gently helps to guide us
The acceptance which always brings much understanding
The compassion which always brings sweet loving kindness
The connection to source that powers our
body, minds and Souls
The forgiveness necessary to help you heal and grow
The belief in our dreams and confidence
to see them through
The GOD-ness that lives inside of you
The empowerment that we all seek and
is yours right NOW to reap
The awakening of higher consciousness
The divine which is where YOU began
The care and nourishment to fill your being with joy
The expansion of a Heaven that you can freely explore
The blessings in abundance, gratitude for every breath
The unconditional and infinite
The Universe flowing through you
The TRUTH, that this love is YOU
and when IN the heart space
you align with this internal awareness
making positive out of all that is negative
helping YOU reach your purpose
discovering IN you, your own LOVE essence

Heartfelt encouragement

When we choose to be open to love and allow our hearts to guide us, we are able to connect to the best of ourselves.
LOVE has a way of making everything that we can imagine bloom when we least expect it to.
LOVE has a way of making us soft and nurturing, caring and kind.
LOVE has a way of turning even the worst of moment around, showing us an optimistic view we may have not yet perceived.
LOVE gives us strength to keep moving, to keep reaching for our dreams.
LOVE has a way of bringing calmness of creating understanding.
LOVE is the goodness that we see during our moments in darkness.
LOVE heals our wounds, helping us grow, inspiring our Souls to express from our most sacred spaces.
LOVE has a way of destroying judgments, and influencing the positive.
LOVE is life because it is alive and filled with power that we have yet to be able to accurately measure.
LOVE is always the answer and can always solve your “problems”.
In pursuing it’s essence we bless ourselves, and can share all of it because we can never ever run out of it.
We, ourselves are made of this.
LOVE is at the core of EVERYTHING…
If aware, you will benefit greatly by staying tuned to this frequency.