Awakening our zest for life

What brings you to your joy
What can you lose yourself into
completely and utterly submerged in your bliss
What causes you to smile unexpectedly
What warms your heart
cradles your Spirit ever so gently
What brightens your day
What inspires your heart space
What do you imagine when you
think of your happiness
What brings forth your laughter
What heightens your mood to levels
of unexplainable measures
What guides you to your empowerment
What forms of expressions
have you given yourself permission
to unapologetically let out your being
What dreams are you dreaming
What are you wishing
What are you paying attention to
What are you giving yourself permission
to explore, experiment, experience
What are you feeding
What are you needing
What fills your being-ness
with the energy of your divinity
Connected to all that is living
to all that has been
What are you reminiscing
What are you appreciating
What are you embracing
What are you playing with
What are you reflecting
Are you making sure to be accepting
of all that is put before you
to learn and grow from
What are you BEcoming
What are you dissolving so that
you can reach that space that
you are craving to be in
you visit memories of this
heavenly plane that exist
in the moments of your bliss
What are you wanting
Which directions does your heart lead you on
What have you allowed in your fun
What sends you to the clouds
not a worry or doubt
not a judgement or fear
can come in between you and how you want to feel
An awakening of reverence
for all that has ever been
for all that has yet to be
for all that you ache to experience
for all that you are waiting on…
An awakening of our aliveness
of our united-ness
of our beauty and elegance
our infinite-ness
our eternal home available to us where ever we go
for it is US that carry it in our Souls
the magic of loving the life we are molding
knowing that… we can awaken our zest for life
anytime that we want
anytime that we need to believe
in something more than what we may presently see

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