Awakening, a daily practice of remembrance

Each day  comes bearing it’s gifts
and if we chose to seek out our happiness
we are able to follow our bliss
Every moment is fresh and made new
Each day, you can remember what to you,

is meaningful and true
Awakening the remembrance of all
that you hold dear
allowing for detachment to
rid you of your passing fears
Reminders of how quickly
“time” continues to go by
one can awaken the peace
that forever lives inside
when we allow for life to
flow effortlessly
we empower our abilities
to create the life
we wished to live
Happiness is a state of mind
Awaken this knowing daily
and find your inner harmony
There is not one person
who does not experience
the waves of highs and lows
With your focus on your blessings
you can increase the
levels of your energy
and find it easier to move
through your circumstances
Awaken your reverence for
all that is and all that could be
for there is great love
in every single experience
Remind yourself of the reasons
that keep a smile on your face
and ignite that fire that
keeps you in your sacred happy space
Awaken your remembrance of
all the good that is here for you
learn to let go of all that
is done and has already served you
Find your love with-in
and you will receive the greatest of all things
A peace of mind
A serene reality can play
A joyful heart
A gratefulness that fills your being-ness
A remembrance of complete tranquility
A body and Spirit working together passionately
A great sense of shining divinity
Awaken your remembrance for all that you love
stay in your excitement for what is yet to come
Trust that all is well
for the “bad” times won’t last too long
and if you can remember
you can accept all the different types weather
knowing that, NO-thing can take from you
the every essence of what creates
the joy in you

Live in the benefit of your patience

The human’s  physical world works at a different pace
than that of your higher self planes
Do not allow this to confuse you and
misunderstand the speed of materializing
making assumptions of your process
The human’s mind can not comphrehend
the time-less-ness of the Spirit
and one can often loose their confidence
in the path that one is pursuing
The human’s eyes don’t see the magic
that is brewing from within
The human’s mentality shapes it’s reality
Do not allow yourself to disbelief
in the faith you are walking in
Learn to live the benefit of your patience
Learn to allow space to create your wishes
Learn to trust that what is given,
is what you are needing
Learn to let go of the expectations
that fuel anxious expressions
Learn that all will be exactly
as it is meant to be
Live in the benefit of your patience
surround your being with
the blessings of acceptance
Release the judgements causing you
to believe in the illusions that things are not moving
The universe is forever manifesting from your desires
Allow yourself the gift of calmness
keep your composure and feed the
tolerance required while waiting
If it was meant to be, it will BE
and when it is not, that too can
be experienced in serenity
for you always will receive
the very best for your being
Live in the benefit of your patience
and allow the process to unfold without frustation
Stay in your optimistic nature
for it will reward you immensly
by keeping your energy focused on the wanting
and less spent on suffering due to not yet having

it’s always the “right” time

No matter what thoughts run through your head

No matter what has happened…

It is always the “right” time for the experiences that take place

Keep your focus and attention on consistently moving forward rather than, making judgement on what took you there

Remind yourself often of how (perfect) everything IS, because even when we can not see it, even when we can not yet feel this, it is always the “right” time for the moment you are in…

There are no mistakes, only lessons to be gained by all that come your way… Affirm the knowings that keep you grounded whenever the wind has blown and you feel lost in your own world